This is Why Pizza From Pizza Hut Make You Sick!

Last updated on September 11th, 2023 at 02:11 pm

Pizza is one of the most common convenience foods today. With only one order away, you can get enough pizza to host a party from top pizza places like Pizza Hut.

However, it becomes a problem if you always get sick whenever you have pizza, especially when you notice that it happens when you eat from a particular spot.

If you have experiences like this, you should address the causes to know when to seek medical assistance or change your dietary habits entirely.

If you only get sick when you eat pizza from Pizza Hut, it could result from food poisoning. But the reasons vary if you get sick anytime you eat pizza from any place. In such cases, it could be due to food allergy, gluten sensitivity, or intolerance. Whatever the case may be, you should seek medical care if symptoms are severe.

This article will address why pizza from Pizza Hut or general pizza places can make you sick, the possible remedies, the type of oil Pizza hut uses, and how good Pizza Hut is.

Why Does Pizza from Pizza Hut Make Me Sick?

Why Does Pizza from Pizza Hut Make Me Sick

Food poisoning is the most common reason pizza from Pizza Hut makes you sick.

Reports usually include vomiting, abdominal cramps, stomach pains, diarrhea, and nausea, with Salmonella being the most common diagnosis.

Food poisoning can come from the sauce or the crust, usually during food preparation.

Cooks often ignore proper cooking ethics and can contaminate food, sometimes by accident.

It could be that the sauce or the meat needed to be cooked properly or the kitchen area needed to be cleaned well before cooking.

Sometimes, it is not the ingredients or the cooking area that is contaminated – it could be that the cook did not wash their hands properly before cooking.

The factors that cause food poisoning result from poor personal or cooking hygiene.

On the other hand, if you always get sick when you eat pizza from any place at all, the reasons for your discomfort may include the following:

#1. Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease

Gluten is a protein in barley, rye, wheat, and your regular pizza crust.

If you are gluten sensitive, you may have Celiac disease – a condition where an overreaction between gluten and your immune system can damage the small intestine’s villi.

If you suffer from these conditions, you may experience abdominal pains, nausea, and diarrhea as your small intestine cannot digest the food.

Although, you do not have to forgo pizzas if you like them. You can opt for gluten-free pizzas with gluten-free toppings.

#2. Lactose Intolerance

If you find that you always have incidents of diarrhea anytime you consume dairy products like milk, and cheese, then you are likely lactose intolerant.

This condition occurs when your digestive system lacks the lactase enzyme needed to break down the lactose in dairy products.

If you are lactose intolerant and you eat regular pizzas, you may experience one of the following:

  • Abdominal pains
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Bloating

In this case, you can go for dairy-free pizza options instead.

#3. Pizza Related Allergies

For some people, the reason why they fall ill after eating pizzas is because of allergens.

Different possible allergens in pizzas include:

  • Casein which is present in dairy products
  • Yeast which is in the pizza dough
  • Tomatoes or other vegetables

Some immediate allergic symptoms are tongue swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing, and chest pains.

Other allergic responses include nausea, stomach pains, vomiting, itching around the mouth, inflammation around the eyes, and a runny nose.

In either case, you should go to the hospital if the allergies are severe to avoid any fatality.

#4. Acidic Food Intolerance

Some people, especially those who suffer from conditions like Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, can experience discomfort when they take spicy or fatty food or foods with a lot of tomato sauce.

This intolerance can cause inflammation and acute abdominal pains.

Below is a table showing common reasons you fall sick after eating a pizza and possible remedies.

ReasonPossible Remedies
Food poisoningChange pizza restaurants, and Practice good personal hygiene (wash your hands before eating).
Gluten SensitivityAlways enquire before eating any pizza—gluten-free request options.
Lactose intoleranceGo for dairy-free pizza recipes.
Pizza Related AllergiesAlways enquire before eating any pizza. State your allergens when placing your order.
Acidic food IntoleranceRequest for a less spicy alternative.

Can Pizza Hut Give You Food Poisoning?

There are many reports of food poisoning from people who dine at or order food from Pizza Hut.

In 2017, about 15 people sued Pizza Hut in Mississippi after allegedly getting sick from eating Pizza Hut chicken.

Even though, after thorough analysis, the Department of Health could not pinpoint the exact cause of the illnesses.

Additionally, most Pizza Hut outlets usually refute these allegations.

In 2021, there was a report of a Pizza Hut manager who asked for a medical certificate when a customer called in a food poisoning complaint.

While it is possible to get food poisoning from some restaurants due to poor personal hygiene or food handling and preparation, symptoms can manifest at any time.

The determining factor is usually the type of germ you may have ingested. Some germs like Staphylococcus can manifest any time between 30 minutes to eight hours.

Others can take up to a day or more to manifest. Therefore, it is essential to be cautious and seek medical care if the symptoms persist.

Also, if you notice that you always fall ill when you eat at a particular pizza restaurant, it will be best to change restaurants no matter how much you like their food.

What Kind of Oil Does Pizza Hut Use?

Pizza hut uses soybean oil to make their dough and canola oil for frying.

Sometimes, they use vegetable oil – for example, to set in the Naked-Bone Out Wing or to blanch in the Naked-Traditional Bone-In Wing.

They use soy oil in foods like Hand Tossed Crust, Baked Chicken, Bean Pizza Sauce, wings, meatballs, and other sauces.

Sometimes, they use other oil – like palm oil in their Alfredo sauce.

Soybean oil is the preferred choice for most major food delivery restaurants and outlets because it has no strong flavor and is inexpensive.

However, some people raise concerns about consuming soy oil’s nutritional and health effects.

These concerns include the following:

  • Soybean oil has high saturated fat levels
  • Soybean oil contains some hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats
  • Soybean oil has high Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids ratio.

These factors can increase the chances of developing cardiovascular and heart problems, so health practitioners recommend that you eat pizzas and other pastries with caution.

On the other hand, canola oil is one of the healthiest cooking oils. This oil is good for your heart as it contains no trans-fat and a reduced quantity of saturated fat than other oils in the U. S.

Does Pizza Hut Make Good Pizza?

There are different reasons why Pizza Hut is still one of the most popular pizza restaurants- one of those reasons is that their pizza is delicious.

Pizza Hut has different recipes and flavors, and customers report that each bite fills their mouths with a wonderful experience.

In the ranking, Pizza Hut ranks 15 among Food & Beverage Brands and number 2 among its pizza competitors. According to a 2022 survey, this pizza outlet has a 74% customer loyalty rate.

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