Does Trader Joe Pizza Dough Go Bad? (Explained) 2022

Last updated on September 11th, 2023 at 02:13 pm

For top flavor, many people prefer using homemade dough in making their pizzas.

However, some of us follow recipes and use doughs such as Trader Joe pizza dough to make pizza.

Typically, this pre-made dough makes the preparation of pizza convenient. But does this amazing dough go bad?

For a fact, Yes! Trader Joe’s pizza dough goes bad. However, this happens when the dough pack is open and exposed to an unsafe environment. This action may cause it to develop an excess amount of bacteria. In addition, trader Joe’s pizza dough also goes bad when it reaches its use-by date stated on the pack.

Does Trader Joe’s Pizza Dough Expire?

Trader Joe’s pizza dough does expire, and its expiration date is usually indicated on the package.

Notwithstanding this, if the pizza dough is not stored correctly, it may even go bad earlier than the expiry date.

With this in mind, don’t be deceived that keeping the prepared dough in the fridge always makes it safe to bake.

In reality, when the dough has exceeded the expiration date on its package, it becomes unsafe to eat.

And when the product expires, you would have to throw the dough away to prevent any health complications.

Although many people claim that if the dough is consistently in a frozen state, the product can still maintain its sound state.

However, I’m sure you wouldn’t want to incur a running stomach over a mere controversy. So, stick to the expiration date on the package and make sure the dough is well preserved.

It only takes a little consciousness on your part to make sure that your Trader Joe’s Pizza Dough is not expired.

All you have to do is check the expiry date on the package. And confirm if it will remain viable until you intend to use it.

How Long Is Trader Joe’s Pizza Dough Good For?

Trader Joe’s Pizza dough could last for months and still be good.

However, this depends on how the product is stored and the state of the dough’s package, whether sealed or unsealed.

These factors affect the quality of the prepared pizza dough shelf life. In as much as there are expiration dates on most Trader Joe’s Pizza Dough, they can still get spoiled before then.

Therefore, bear in mind that keeping the dough in good condition matters. The extent to which the dough deteriorates when it’s left on the worktop in the kitchen differs from when it’s in the fridge.

Speaking about freshness, the product’s texture might change within 4-18 hours on the kitchen countertop. Likewise, while in the fridge, the feel of the dough might change in a day or two.

Notwithstanding, this change in texture doesn’t mean that the dough isn’t good for eating; it’s just the freshness reducing.

However, if trader Joe’s Pizza Dough is bought, used a little, and left open on the countertop, that’s a different case.

There is a tendency for the remaining dough to get exposed to lots of bacteria and eventually get spoiled much faster.

This ugly incident may not even take up to a week before showing symptoms of spoilage.

I guess you might also be wondering how long an unsealed Trader Joe’s pizza dough would last in the fridge.

The dough could last for a while, precisely some weeks. But, if the dough happens to contact water, the dough could become too sticky.

Equally important, if the package is sealed and always frozen in the fridge, it can last till the date allocated for expiration.

Can You Use Expired Dough?

I strongly recommend that you do not use expired dough. The reason is that the dough becomes unsafe to consume because of the presence of many bacterias.

Also, the peak quality and flavor you should get from the dough becomes not just reduced but absent.

With that said, using expired dough is health threatening. Besides, what do you gain from using a dough that has already lost its quality?

If this question is well examined, you would see there’s no point in consuming an expired dough. The spoiled dough is better off in the trash bin than in your stomach.

As we know, the dough doesn’t last for long periods. As proof, most plastic bags of dough have the inscription “Perishable” printed on them.

This inscription shows that the dough can get spoiled quickly; storing it in the freezer only slows the process.

With this in mind, you’ll realize that any little act of carelessness might even get the dough spoiled before its expiration date.

In addition, if all these can happen before the dough expires, imagine consuming it after then.

Always check the expiration date on the dough package. However, if there’s no expiration date, check the date at which the dough was made.

Many pre-made doughs can last 180 days from the day they’re manufactured. Meaning the product is still okay for a good number of days.

Therefore, if the days are due, I encourage you to throw it out.

How Can You Tell if Pizza Dough Has Gone Bad?

There are so many ways you could tell if the dough has gone bad. When dough goes bad, it starts showing some odd changes.

Some of these changes occur in texture, smell, and color. Consider how these changes manifest.

#1. Texture

The appearance and the feel of dough when touched can tell if it has gone bad.

Since dough consists of both flour and water, the water could shrink over time.

This incident might make the dough dry, flaky, or crusty as time goes on.

Not only that, but it can also make the dough break easily and hard to roll into shapes.

#2. Smell

We sometimes add yeast to make the dough rise.

However, when this starts fermenting, this gives the dough an alcoholic smell.

During the fermentation process, glucose converts into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

This fermentation process continues, and with time the alcoholic smell becomes stronger, resulting in a sour taste.

High temperatures make the fermentation process faster, so ensure that your dough is in the freezer when it’s not in use.

#3. Color

The color of your dough matters if you want to identify whether it has gone bad.

A grey color over the surface of your dough isn’t a good sign.

This color is caused by enzyme-catalyzed phenolic and fatty acid oxidation.

The reaction results from the presence of the flour in the dough, and the process also affects the flavor.

When you notice this alteration in the color of the dough, it’s an indication that it has gone bad.


Doughs are perishable, and that includes trader Joe’s pizza dough. For sure, the product goes bad and doesn’t last forever.

However, there are ways we could store these products that they can last till their expiration dates are due.

Therefore, when trader Joe’s pizza dough isn’t used, the product should be kept in the freezer.


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