Storing Ooni Pizza Dough? (Things You Should Know) 2022
Last updated on September 11th, 2023 at 02:13 pm
The luscious and enticing Ooni pizzas many pizza enthusiasts consume come from the flipping and baking pizza doughs in the oven.
Unfortunately, many homeowners and bakers are often perplexed and panic when the pizza doughs are left, and they have no idea how to store them.
With that said, how exactly can you store your Ooni pizza dough?
You can store your Ooni pizza dough by freezing it. This is one of the simplest ways of storing your Ooni pizza dough. You can do this by coating your Ooni pizza dough with vegetable oil. Once you carry out this step, you can put your Ooni pizza dough in an airtight container in your refrigerator.
Can you Freeze Ooni Classic Pizza Dough?
Freezing is indisputably the best method of preserving pizza doughs as it prolongs the lifespan of your pizza doughs.
Unfortunately, many people often dispose of pizza doughs out of oblivion, wasting their ingredients and money.
However, this is not the right mentality to conceive, as you can save your pizza doughs from the penetration of bacteria and other microorganisms.
You can freeze your Ooni classic pizza dough without problems as it keeps your ingredients. Freezing your pizza dough will save you time and increase your baking speed.
For instance, you can make a lot of pizza dough in a day, select the dough you have to bake, and freeze the rest.
This strategy will reduce your workload for the next day and maximize profits simultaneously.
Unfortunately, if you forget to freeze your Ooni classic pizza doughs, you will not like the state of your pizza doughs.
It might become stale and unfit for consumption, so you will have to dispose of it immediately.
It is important to note that it is improper to bake pizza doughs that you left without proper preservation.
If you decide to bake them, your customers might suffer from serious stomach aches, only minimizing profits.
So, it is best to freeze your Ooni classic pizza doughs to avoid unfortunate circumstances.
How do you Freeze Ooni Pizza Dough Balls?
Many homeowners often find it difficult to preserve Ooni pizza dough balls, and this is because they have little to no knowledge of the right steps to adopt.
Sometimes, you freeze your pizza dough balls, and when you bring them out of the refrigerator, they lose their texture and become inappropriate for baking.
This happens when you freeze your pizza dough balls without taking the necessary procedures to conserve your pizza dough balls.
Firstly, you can freeze your pizza dough balls by cutting the balls the same size as individual pizzas.
Secondly, you need to garnish the pizza dough balls with vegetable oil to elongate their lifespan of the pizza dough balls. Read more to know why the ooni pizza dough is too sticky.
However, it is best to use olive oil to coat your pizza dough balls to retain the texture and taste. Thirdly, you must purchase plastic freezer bags or wraps to preserve your pizza dough balls.
Alternatively, you can purchase airtight plastic containers to conserve your pizza dough balls. Lastly, you must turn on your refrigerator and neatly place your tightly sealed pizza dough balls.
It is important to seal your plastic bags tightly to avoid air penetration.
If air penetrates, your pizza dough balls might lose their texture and produce a foul smell.
So it is best to adopt the appropriate procedures for freezing your pizza dough balls.
Should you Freeze Pizza Dough before or after it rises?
Pizza doughs are very delicate and can deteriorate easily when mishandling them, especially when you freeze them without letting them rise properly.
Unfortunately, this is another dilemma that weighs heavily on many bakers and homeowners, and they end up ruining their pizza doughs.
You need to let your pizza dough rise completely before freezing it. You do not have to worry about the quantity or size of your pizza dough as long as you let it rise.
Notwithstanding, it is best to divide your pizza dough into balls and coat them with olive oil before freezing them.
Homeowners and bakers usually freeze pizza doughs without letting them rise out of ignorance or forgetfulness.
This phenomenon ruins all their hard work and the yeast in the pizza dough ferments. Due to this, the pizza dough becomes dull and less tasty, and it ruins the pizza dough completely.

For example, if you leave your pizza dough in the fridge without allowing it to rise, you might suffer a huge loss the next day.
In addition, you might be unable to bake any pizza for your customers from the dough, and you will have to bake fresh pizzas.
And this will consume a lot of time, especially when you start late.
Unfortunately, your customers might run out of patience and leave your restaurant, which will only reduce your sales for the day.
Nevertheless, you can evade this loss by allowing your dough to rise fully before refrigerating or freezing.
Does Freezing Pizza Dough Ruin It?
Texture, quality, and taste are the most important features of an exquisite and mouthwatering pizza.
When one of them is lost, it becomes a major problem as each feature contributes immensely to the composition of your pizza.
Many people conceive the ideology that freezing ruins foodstuff, and as such, they do not fancy the idea of freezing pizza dough.
Regardless, freezing does not ruin your pizza dough and prolongs its lifespan.
You can freeze your pizza dough for as long as three months, and your pizza will still taste delicious.
The only downside is that the texture of your pizza dough might change if you freeze it for a very long time.
But you can add flour and roll the pizza dough to revive the texture of your pizza dough.
If you want your pizza dough to have a consistent texture and fresh taste, you have to freeze it for a day.
Furthermore, you can bake your pizzas with fresh ingredients to produce fragrant and mouth-watering pizzas fit for consumption.
Freezing prevents microorganisms such as bacteria from entering and destroying your pizza dough.
It is one of the best options available for preserving your pizza dough.
Freezing helps you save money, preserve your ingredients for future use, and save the stress of making another dough.
For instance, you can easily bake the pizza dough, producing a delicious pizza to satisfy your cravings.
So, you can freeze your pizza dough with no worries about decomposition.
Does Frozen Pizza Dough need to rise after Thawing?
Fresh pizza dough is usually left to rise completely before baking, which applies to frozen pizza dough.
However, you must let your pizza dough rise fully after thoroughly thawing it.
First, you have to split your pizza dough into a ball, get a bowl and coat it with olive oil.
Then you have to place the pizza ball in the bowl and cover it tightly with a plastic bag to avoid any exposure to air.

Additionally, you have to leave the dough to rise for at least 2-4 hours. This process increases the temperature of your pizza dough rapidly.
As a result, the pizza dough increases by twice its original size and brings out a fragrant aroma.
Most people often mistake baking frozen pizza dough immediately after they thaw it. And this does not bring out the flavor and texture of your pizza as they do not let it rise fully.
So, letting your pizza dough rise fully after you thaw it before baking in the pizza oven is advisable.
How Do You Defrost Ooni Pizza Dough?
Defrosting your Ooni pizza dough can be challenging as you need to handle the dough with care.
This is because the yeast in the Ooni pizza dough might ferment, making the pizza dough tasteless.
There are different methods of defrosting your Ooni pizza dough. You can defrost it by using warm water and a refrigerator.
First, you must place your pizza dough in a well-sealed plastic bag.
Then you need to fill a bowl with warm water, place the sealed pizza dough in it, and leave it for approximately ten minutes.
Alternatively, you can place your pizza dough in a refrigerator and remove it when you notice tiny bubbles.
You can freeze your Ooni pizza dough after coating it with olive or vegetable oil. However, you must let it rise completely before freezing.
Otherwise, your pizzas might taste bland and lose their quality and texture. You can defrost your pizza dough with warm water.