Chesters Hot Fries Vs. Flamin Hot (In-Depth Comparison)
Last updated on October 26th, 2022 at 05:19 pm
Spicy fries are possibly one of the crave-able snacks ever. Sometimes, you need that full-body experience of eating something hot and spicy.
Less spicy snacks do not deliver the same way these spicy ones do.
Eating hot snacks provides that euphoria with your day to be in the moment and feel the sweet burn.
With that said, with these spicy best-sellers, let’s dive into a red hot blaze of fiery goodness.
Chester’s hot fries are like regular Flamin hot Cheetos but less spicy. Cheetos Flamin hot are similar but have a spicier and crunchier taste. However, they’re both Frito-lay products, so you can’t imagine either tasting bad. Unless, of course, you’re intolerant to spiciness.
What is the Difference Between Chesters Hot Fries and Flamin Hot Cheetos?

There aren’t many differences between these two spicy products. They’re both made by the same brand, after all.
However, the flamin hot Cheetos are available at a better value than Chesters.
You can get a bag of Cheetos for as much as $3.30, which works out to 30.38 cents an ounce.
Getting a pack of Chester hot fries will cost you $2.25, which works out to 42.9 cents an ounce.
However, regardless of the packaging and printing, the most important difference between these two snacks is their taste.
So, it all comes down to a personal preference of what you like. They only matter for as much as you love to eat them, after all!
Below are some of the major differences between these two snacks:
Chester’s Hot Fries | Flamin Hot Cheetos |
They have a mildly spicy flavor | They have a hot tangy flavor |
They’re more crispy than crunchy | They have a firmer crunch |
They contain cheese flavorings | They’re made with real cheese |
A pack contains 150 calories | A pack of these contains 170 calories |
Cheetos has a classic flavor. If you’re new to the world of flamin hot snacks, you’d love to start here.
Since Cheetos are known to be spicier, they’re more likely to cause you a stomach upset.
So, if you’re not a fan of extremely spicy snacks, it’s always a better option to go for Chesters.
Which is Higher on the Scoville Scale; Chesters Hot Fries or Flamin Hot Cheetos?
The Flamin hot Cheetos ranks higher in spiciness. Some experts claim that the flamin hot Cheetos rate around 50,000 units. But, there has been no evidence to back this up.
This Scoville rating might make Cheetos seem like the spiciest snack ever, but they’re certainly spicier.
The caroline reaper chip, for example, ranks 1.7 million units on the Scoville scale.
Also, according to the LA times spicy snack power rankings, Cheetos has been described as the standard bearer to which you can compare all other spicy snacks.
Coming in at number four, it dominates Chesters on the list, which comes in at number 17.
The Flamin Hot ranks best in all these Chesters; heat, texture, crunch, and flavor. It delivers pure spiciness.
Chesters have a more moderate heat component. Cheetos flamin hot is one of Frito-lay’s spiciest products.
They’re spicier than almost all other flamin hot snacks. There you have it; this crunchy and cheesy corn snake outweighs Chester hot fries on the Scoville scale.
Chesters Hot Fries Vs. Flamin Hot; Which is Healthier?
Since both products are overly processed and full of calories, they’re not the healthiest snacks for consumption.
Most of our favorite everyday snacks, in general, aren’t good for consumption.
However, Chesters seem to be a healthier choice, given how spicy Cheetos are.
The Cheetos flamin hot isn’t the healthiest option for a snack, especially if you’re sensitive to hot spicy snacks and lactose intolerant (from the cheese).
Cheetos flamin hot can cause gastritis and inflammation, which can be very uncomfortable. However, Cheetos have more natural flavorings.
In addition to this, both Frito-lay products contain highly refined vegetable oils.
These vegetable oils include:
- Corn oil
- Sunflower oil
- Canola oil
You can extract these types of oil from high-heat chemicals. Refined oils like this are prone to oxidation and are likely to cause inflammation in your body.
According to Parkland Hospital Physician, Dr. Manisha Raja, eating too many spicy hot fries will irritate your stomach lining.
The high level of acidity in the snack could also lead to gastritis.
Also, Dr. Manisha stated that the high acidity level in these fries causes abdominal pain that can rise to your chest.
Chester’s hot fries contain 19 different ingredients, and all these flavors are artificial.
Artificial flavors are full of lab-produced and complex chemical elements.
All this boils down to the fact that Chesters can be quite harmful if you eat too much of them.
However, If you consume it considerably, then you’re good. You may consider Chester hot fries a healthier option between both.
It has a calorie level of 170g. Also, Cheetos contain more calories. In addition to this, they are very spicy and salty.
Chesters have a calorie level of 150, which is considerably low compared to the flamin hot Cheetos.
It is also less salty and doesn’t contain as many spicy flavorings as the flamin hot.
So, when you’re craving a snack and choose one of these, you may want to go for the hot fries.
Especially if you’re sensitive to the spiciness of the flamin hot Cheetos. Which, according to the Scoville scale, is quite high.
However, it is your choice to decide which of these snacks you consider a healthier option.
Regardless, remember that health is wealth whenever you’re munching on your favorite Frito-lay snacks. Try to consume a limited amount, at least.
Did Chesters Discontinue Hot Fries?
No, Chesters didn’t discontinue their hot fries. However, hot fries have become difficult to find due to the increasing demand for the product and the limited capabilities of Frito-lay for production.
Also, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the brand is experiencing shortages of the common ingredients used in various food snacks.
This shortage also affects the production capabilities of Chesters hot fries and Frito-lay’s other products.
There were speculations as to whether Chesters did discontinue their hot fries. This confusion stemmed from a tweet during the pandemic.
In reply to the tweet, the company said that due to high demand and low supply, they have to pause the production of the Cheetos Crunchy XXTRA Flamin Hot.
Although they didn’t mention Chesters specifically in the tweet, consumers of the snack know that the ingredients used in Chesters are similar to the ones used in other Frito-lay hot snacks.
However, Frito-lay hasn’t released an official statement yet in their Newsroom on discontinuing the production of the hot fries.
So, if you’re a fan of this snack, rest assured that Frito-lay is still producing your favorite snack and has no plans of discontinuing it.
Chester’s hot Fries and the flamin hot Cheetos are possibly some of Frito-lay’s best sellers.
However, they’re still snacks; you should always consider your health when consuming them. However, don’t get addicted!
You can relax now that you know your favorite Chester fries aren’t going extinct. You’ll find them at the store pretty soon.